Ennio Bilancini

I am full professor of economics at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.
I obtained my PhD in Economics from the University of Siena, with a thesis on social economics and game theory. I have been visiting University of Alicante, University Carlos III of Madrid, TINT Center of Excellence of Helsinki, Santa Fé Institute in New Mexico.
I am the director of the PhD program in Economics, Analytics and Decision Sciences at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and the director of the GAME Science Research Center.

I currently teach Behavioral Economics, Game Theory and Evolutionary Game Theory at the PhD in Economics, Analytics and Decision Sciences. I have held courses in History of the Economic Theory, Industrial Organisation, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Cognitive and Experimental Economics, Game Science, Economics of Organizations.

I have conducted in the areas of cognitive and behavioral economics, (evolutionary) game theory and game science, broadly intended. I am currently involved, or have been involved, in research projects regarding social norms, health behaviors, health communication, game-based learning, policy evaluation, subjective well-being, social welfare, sustainable development, evolution of behaviors and social interactions. 

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